
I began to think
Maybe I was wrong
Maybe she
Was still
The woman
I used to adore

She was all I had, you see
All I’d gotten for
All I’d done
And I had
To have
Someone with me
I always need
Someone with me

Maybe I should'a done a lot of things
And maybe you should have too
But we didn’t
And wouldn’t
If we had it all over to do

Lonesome, you said
I look lonesome, you said
I’ve got plenty of company
Plenty of company
Right here in my head
Jumping up in front of me
When I open my eyes
Laughing and crying
And singing inside of my mind

They’re all I have, you see
All I’d gotten for
All I’d done
And I had
To have
Someone with me
I always need
Someone with me

How in the name of heaven
Did I get so deep in that hole
How in the name of heaven
Did I get so deep in that hole